8 Cottage Cheese Toasties


It was time to give our toast an upgrade — whether you are looking for a snack, a sweet or a meal we’ve got you covered.

Here are 8 winning combinations. All of them requires toast and cottage cheese, from that the choice is yours!

Savoury Snack:

Avo + Hot Honey (we like TJ’s)

Cucumber +Dill +Olive oil + S &P

Sundried Tomatoes, Basil + Hot Honey

Avo + Chili Crunch + Green Onion + Lemon Zest

Light Meal:

Scramble + Hot Honey + S&P

Avo + Hard Boiled Egg + Lemon Juice + Everything Bagel Seasoning

Sweet Treat:

Figs +Peacans +Honey

Pb + Honey + Cinnamon

Which one are you trying?


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